Making a Civic Obligation Less Taxing
A Minneapolis attorney has spent years working with a group that helps develop financially savvy consumers and citizens.
Making ends meet is hard, but it’s even harder if no one’s shown you how to do it.
The Minnesota nonprofit Prepare+Prosper relies on volunteers to help improve its clients’ financial literacy. Its goal: self-sufficient, well-informed consumer and citizens. Last year, it helped 12,500 taxpayers file 28,000 returns and receive approximately $24 million in refunds.
In her years volunteering with the group, Minneapolis Associate Katie M. LaGrange has prepared more than 175 income tax returns.
“Our communities are better off when people can stand on their own two feet, but it’s unrealistic to think everyone can get there without help,” Ms. LaGrange said. “This kind of volunteer work helps people who are making an investment in their futures and prepares us all for a brighter tomorrow.”