
The New Hunstein Opinion – What Does It Mean?

Event Details
November 2021
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM CDT

Join members of our Consumer Financial Services Group as they break down and explain the Eleventh Circuit’s recent substitute opinion in the Hunstein appeal and what it means moving forward for collectors and creditors alike. They will address:

  • Where do the many lawsuits around the country spawned by the original opinion now stand?
  • How can the opinion be used in those cases, including arguments for and against Article III standing and positioning to defend on the merits?
  • Will there be another en banc petition filed in the case with the Eleventh Circuit?
  • Might this go to the Supreme Court?

These topics, and more, will provide important context and considerations for organizations formulating their strategy and response as well as the broader receivables industry moving forward.

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