Antitrust Loss Recovery in Times of Economic Stress
Antitrust claims can be a source of protection and revenue for large purchasers, such as corporations and municipalities. While such claims can arise at any time, they may be particularly likely to occur during periods of economic stress, when sellers sometimes turn to illegal methods to try to protect their profits and sales. Join us as we discuss how to identify and pursue such claims, particularly in circumstances like today's.
Jay N. Fastow, Practice Leader, Loss Recovery
Jason A. Leckerman, Partner, Loss Recovery
Edward D. Rogers, Partner, Loss Recovery
Suzanne Sangree, Senior Public Safety Counsel and Director of Affirmative Litigation, Baltimore City Law Department
This program is open to Ballard Spahr clients and prospective clients. There is no cost to attend. This program is approved for 1.0 PA, NJ, NY, and CA CLE credits. Uniform Certificates of Attendance will also be made available for the purpose of seeking credit in other jurisdictions.
Please register at least two days before the webinar. Login details will be sent to all approved registrants. For more information, contact Julianne Garrity at