
2018 HR Legal Summit

Event Details
September 2018
7:00 AM - 3:30 PM ET
Sheraton Bucks County
400 Oxford Valley Road
Langhorne , PA
More Information

Join us for a full day of informative presentations on a variety of need-to-know HR topics, plus a keynote presentation entitled “Inspired Leaders, Inspired Teams, Inspired Results,” presented by Christopher Ridenhour, Director of Workplace Culture at SpiriTrust Lutheran. Sessions will include:

Collaborative Partnerships: HR, the Business, and the Law
Brian D. Pedrow, Ballard Spahr

The Trump Board: The NLRB's New Direction & New Developments
Denise M. Keyser, Ballard Spahr

Paying it Right the First Time: Tiptoeing Your Way Through the Wage and Hour Minefield
Shannon D. Farmer, Ballard Spahr

Leaves of Absence: Navigating the FMLA, ADA, and State/Local Laws
David S. Fryman and Jessica G. Federico, Ballard Spahr

Discipline & Discharge: Best Practices for HR
Kelly T. Kindig, Ballard Spahr

Sexual Harassment in the #MeToo Era
Daniel V. Johns, Ballard Spahr

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