Austin Brown

Austin M. Brown

Associate He / Him / His

Austin Brown is an associate in the firm’s Intellectual Property Department. As a 2021 Ballard Spahr Summer Associate, Austin gained experience drafting memoranda on issues regarding patent litigation, arbitration, mediation, and intellectual property licensing agreements.

While in law school, Austin served as an extern at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, where he identified factual and legal issues in cases before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board and the Federal Circuit, assisted administrative patent judges with docket management, and prepared memoranda and appellate briefs. Prior to law school, he researched herbicides and herbicide-resistant weeds at Auburn University.

Professional Highlights


“Growing Degree-Days Optimize Trinexapac-Ethyl Reapplications on Ultradwarf Bermudagrass Putting Greens: I. Predicting the Maximum Suppression Point,” 61 CROP SCI. 1446 (2021)

“Growing Degree-Days Optimize Trinexapac-Ethyl Reapplications on Ultradwarf Bermudagrass Putting Greens: II. Testing a Reapplication Schedule,” 61 CROP SCI. 1436 (2021)

Co-author, “Response of Seashore Paspalum and Bermudagrass to Topramezone and Triclopyr Mixtures,” 35 WEED TECH. 501 (2021)

Co-author, “Plastidic ACCase Ile-1781-Leu is Present in Pinoxaden-Resistant Southern Crabgrass (Digitaria ciliaris),” 68 WEED SCI. 41 (2020)



Vanderbilt University Law School (J.D. 2022)
Patrick Wilson Scholar
Managing Editor, Vanderbilt Law Review

Auburn University (M.S., Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences, 2019)

Auburn University (B.A., Philosophy, 2019)

Auburn University (B.S., Agronomy & Soils, 2018)



U.S. Patent and Trademark Office